'We believe in the highest quality education for your child. Education that is focused on learning to learn, enjoyment and high expectations for all the children in our care. We have made a promise to work with children and their families 'FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE'
We represent this through our new school logo. The centre image represents the bell tower of St Augustine�s Church, which our school has close links. The colours act as a reminder of God�s promise to us and the six Christian values (Courage, Honesty, Optimism, Inspiration, Consideration, Endurance) that underpin the ethos of our outstanding school. (OFSTED 2010)'
Visit our website: http://www.brookland.kent.sch.uk/
School Prospectus http://www.brookland.kent.sch.uk/PDF%20Files/PROSPECTUS.pdf
Uniform Policy http://www.brookland.kent.sch.uk/school-uniform/
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